Friday, June 30, 2006

Driving Cross Country on E-85 - Part 2, 3 and 4

This is the continuation of a documentary we brought you a few days ago, and things are looking up for this duo (and dog). Though they still have no car that will run on E-85 they have found an E-85 station, it was just closed for the holiday.

Later in Oklahoma, they encountered a health club owner who spelled out the disadvantages of ethanol. He claims an almost 40 percent reduction in mileage!! At least the crops used to make methanol are locally produced from renewable sources, and they have cleaner burn characteristics than gasoline and diesel.

Decrease emissions, give a farmer a job. Seems win win to me. Now there just needs to be more cars available to run on the fuel, and more customers demanding it be produced and sold.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


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