London motoring costs set to rise

In February 2007, London's £8 daily congestion charge will be extended westwards to include Kensington, Chelsea and Notting Hill for cars in Bands C, D, E and G. Vehicles in Band G - which emit more than 225g of CO2 per kilometre - will also be required to pay an additional £25 per day from 2009. This latest idea follows Richmond Council’s plans to introduce emission-based residents' parking charges on Band G vehicles.
Mayor of London Ken Livingstone believes the changes are an ‘important step towards encouraging people to take into account the impact of their choice of new car on the environment and planet.’ The RAC and AA however, have expressed concern that the 'blanket charge' will penalize larger families which require bigger cars.
There is some good news for motorists who drive cars that produce less than 120g per kilometre of CO2. Vehicles in Bands A and B will become except from the charge in 2008.
But don’t breathe that sigh of relief just yet. Road pricing schemes which charge motorists per mile driven are also said to be on the horizon.
M25 users could also be the first to pay up to £1.34 a mile to use the London ring road under a proposed pilot scheme. The ‘pay-as-you-drive’ charges are likely to be based around satellite tracking devices in cars and will charge motorists different amounts depending on the route they take and the time of day they travel.
If the trial is successful, a national charging scheme could be introduced on roads across the country by 2015.
If the trial is successful, a national charging scheme could be introduced on roads across the country by 2015.
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