Biodiesel Benefits
One surefire way to decrease dependency on foreign oil is to find a substitute. Biodiesel can be used outright in diesel engines with little if any modification or can be blended with conventional petrodiesel fuel. Pure biodiesel is nontoxic and allows farmers to contribute to our energy needs. In pure form or even blended to create B30 (30 percent biodiesel 70 percent petrodiesel) the fuel is actually better for diesel engines because of its viscosity.The fuel also decreases, by significant levels, soot and particulate emissions as well as CO2, the leading contributor to global warming. The plants grown to produce biodiesel absorb CO2 which is later released into the atmosphere when the fuel is consumed. Blended or neat biodiesel has the potential to reduce diesel CO emissions and measured HC emissions, though there may be an increase in NOx emissions for biodiesel fuel when compared to diesel fuel. The higher NOx emissions from biodiesel-powered engines are partly due to the higher cetane number of biodiesel, which causes a shorter ignition delay and higher peak cylinder pressure.
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